
The content directory, file type and some defaults can be changed on the CONFIG array located within the main file ìndex.php. Most of these key-value pairs ar self explanatory :

$_CONFIG = array(
    'title' => 'mosquito',
    'description' => 'Mosquito is a CMS + SSG built with PHP',
    'keywords' => 'mosquito, CMS, SSG, PHP, Markdown, static, site, generator, content, system',
    'language' => 'en',
    'author' => 'Jorge Moreno aka Moro (, @alterebro )',

    'theme' => 'mosquito', // should be located on the /theme folder
    'content_folder' => 'content/',
    'file_extension' => '.md',
    'minify_output' => true,

    'dist_url' => 'http://localhost:8000/',
    'dist_folder' => 'dist/',
    'dist_extension' => '.html',

    'use_menu_global' => true,
    'use_breadcrumbs' => true,

You should take extra attention to the key value called dist_url as that one will define the final URL where your project will be hosted, when you are using mosquito on your local machine with the PHP built in server, the value http://localhost:8000/ will be alright, but once you are ready to deploy on a remote server you should change that for the remote URL, if your website will be reached at , that has to be the value.